Get Your Manhood Back: Use Nature to Defeat First World Problems

Keep scrolling to see how nature can help defeat your First World Problems.
All sorts of problems are caused by what many like to call nature-deficit-disorder.
In the past, man woke up with sun and slept when it grew dark.
Now we do everything we can to maintain a comfortable indoor temp and use blinds to shut out the sun. We stock our fridges and make sure food is always within reach.
This is about as nature-free as you can get.
The result?
Where man once tamed beast, he must now tame himself.
The lack of nature messes with our bodies natural biorhythms, which are credited for promoting healthy hormone levels.
Let me ask you something.
Are you comfortable?
The shades drawn, light dim, air temperature comfortable, food and water within reach? Internet and TV within walking distance… glow of a smartphone, laptop, or computer monitor piercing into your eyes?
This is how we live, and it is our downfall.
Our First World Lives are designed to provide a steady supply of comfort and security. This removes us of the beneficial natural stresses that come from nature.
When our bodies are deprived of natural stresses, we develop a massive inability to cope with First World Stresses.
Sunlight, contrasting temperatures, noises of nature, buzzing bugs… without these natural stresses we become complacent, squishy creatures.
Ultimately, we lose our resilience.
We are starving ourselves of the performance benefits that comes from natural stresses, which severely limits our abilities to deal with man-made stresses.
The First World teaches us to lock ourselves indoors and work from sunup to sundown; to deny ourselves from natural stresses so that we only have to deal with First World Stresses.
This is flawed thinking, in that natural stresses provide us a solid base to build upon. This base better enables us to deal with our First World Lives.
To defeat First World Problems we must change how we view stress. Stress is a motivator. In healthy men, stress should feel more like a stimulant and not a depressant. Beyond that, this stimulant feeling should feel positive and motivating, not life-threatening.
An unhealthy response to stress is panic, anxiety, and anger. When we cannot manage stress we find ourselves in a self-destructive decent where we give into compulsions and lose self-control.
Nature helps us avoid this decent by supporting the natural biological rhythms that promote balance so that we can better maintain control.
It does this by feeding our minds and bodies. It feeds our bodies through natural light and supports our minds by showing us the way.
Studies show that light has the greatest impact on our bodies biological rhythms, and that a body with disrupted biological rhythms can experience sleep disorders, obesity, diabetes, depression, bipolar disorder and seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
Light can really screw things up, which puts us at a serious disadvantage because our First World is full of it: from the lights in our homes to the lights on the street, and the glow of the TV to the glow of a smartphone.
It’s said on average we look at 7 screens a day, which equals a lot of light.
But limiting yourself to the glow of tech is only part of the solution. Studies show we also need nature and its light.
Disconnecting from technology and connecting to nature has been shown to drastically improve creative problem solving.
Long hikes reduce mental fatigue and soothe the mind.
Also found: urban noises attack the conscious mind, contributing to loss of focus.
It can also be said that nature feeds us valuable life-lessons, and has done so since man came into existence.
For today’s man, the greatest lesson it can teach is pace.
Pace is a forgotten word in First World Societies, and because so, we live addicted, anxious, depressed lives.
Without pace, there is no self-control.
Studies show that self-control is so important to our well-being that a lack of it can indicate an early death. It also says that those that possess it live fuller, happier lives.
Like nature and natural light, self-control is critical to our well-being.
So, to you First World Men: limit tech exposure; go out, explore nature, build resilience and defeat your First World Problems.
Do that and you’ll be ready to conquer the bedroom.
This post is part 2 in the post series: why first world problems are ruining your sex life.

Today’s man and nature quote – words to remember.
- How Hiking Affects the Brain
- Walking in Nature and the Brain - Nature and Health
- Nature and Well-Being - Natural Light and Mental Health - Nature and Stress - Natural Light and Performance - Restoring Biological Rhythms - Circadian Rhythm - Understanding Circadian Rhythm - Benefits of Stress - Compulsive Behavior - Self-control and Mental Health