Why First World Problems Are Destroying Your Sex Life

Does no money, no status equal no sex?
Sex is the greatest recreation of all time because it’s free and leaves you feeling the best.
But some men let First World Problems like financial debt ruin it for them.
Why should something that’s free be ruined by money?
Don’t let money destroy your sex.
Don’t let money problems become other problems.
What this post really should be titled is why you think money effects sex.
We let money effect sex because society has trained us to think money is what makes us desirable.
Without it we feel less of a man, and so then we feel undesirable, which creates depression and diminishes libido.
We tell ourselves women are attracted to money and power because everyone tells women to be attracted to money and power.
There was a day when women were attracted to men who could hunt and keep them safe.
However, birth control has made today’s woman different. She seeks effeminate men that can romance and comfort her.
This is why so many men end up alone. They refuse to adapt.
Wild men think money and power is the way to a woman’s heart.
They think their problem is money, and the solution is to make more. It isn’t.
The problem is how they read the landscape.
History has set the stage.
In the 60’s there was a free-love movement, where people that didn’t care about money lived in colorful vans and had sex.
The world didn’t stop and shun them. It still turned and now all these people are grown up retired… still having sex.
They didn’t let paper stop them from having a good time.
You shouldn’t either.
But money isn’t the only thing holding men back from the stress-releasing joys of sex.
There’s the thing it helps create: status.
Thanks to status, we now we live in a world where a record number of young adults are not having sex -an entire generation disillusioned by First World Problems.
The difference between the 60’s and now?
- Social media
- Credit card debt
- Internet Pornography
Just to name a few.
And the problems those things bring?
- Loneliness
- Depression
- Anxiety
All breaking their own records, because young adults are blinded and not seeing the big picture.
And so we take our pills, because we care so much about status that we need to forget about our problems.
The 60’s had it right. Sex and nature.
The only two things men need.
You don’t need to become the next youtube celebrity to get the ladies; Twitch stream till your legs fall off, or have a gazillion followers on instagram to be attractive.
You think that because you don’t have a full deck she isn’t into you?
There are far lesser beings getting sex than you. Some of them have ½ speck of a card, and that’s enough to work with because they can read the land.
Money ruins relationships, and chasing status starves you of sex.
Let’s walk through the typical money vs relationship scenario today.
She comes home from work, complains about not having enough money, and you get upset because you don’t have enough money.
You hate money because you don’t have it. You don’t have it because you hate it.
This goes on for weeks, months, years; and all you think and worry about is money, rendering you closed and guarded.
Your primal fire for life is snuffed out. Depression and anxiety set in. Your relationship gets as cold and emotionless like money. Sex drive becomes non-existent. Sex non-existent.
The fix for many is short-sighted.
Which only makes things worse.
You look up ways to naturally boost your libido, thinking there’s something you can supplement to re-ignite the primal fire you once had.
But that sort of thinking fails you… because it fails to admit the underlying problem.
You’re chasing the wrong things.
Society tells you no woman will love you if you are broke. This puts you in a fragile state that gets you to buy things you don’t need and do work you don’t enjoy, which keeps you broke and depressed.
You become so disillusioned by the system you forget what really matters.
You forget about nature and sex.
And that’d be the end of the story if you stopped reading here.
But you don’t want it to be the end, do you. You want something better.
There’s a reason why I say sex and nature are all a man needs.
It is because these are his sources of power.
Nature feeds him, and sex drives him.
If you’ve read Think and Grow Rich then you may already know what I’m going to talk about next.
It’s a term popularized by Napoleon Hill; a successful man whom people looked up to. In his book he exposes how successful people use their sexual energy to get ahead in life.
By manipulating sex drive to create progress, they gain more ground than the man that gives into his sexual desires willy-nilly.
With sexual transmutation you can accomplish anything. You become the man you need to be and rise above 1st world problems.
But young adults these days can’t tap into this unlimited energy source because they are too busy chasing things that drain them of energy: money and status.
The solution should be obvious: stop chasing the wrong things, and start chasing nature and sex.
Up next in Part 2 and 3 of this series, we’ll talk about how nature supports the natural biological rhythms every man needs to function at his highest ability, and how harnessing sexual energy can propel him forward.