Many men spend at least some time thinking about penis size, how their own compares to others and whether it is adequately sized for pleasing a sexual partner. What counts as too large or too small has been widely debated and worries about size often cause concern, which is usually unfounded.
If you are like most men, you have probably measured yourself in both the flaccid state and the erect state. If your erection measures between 5-6 inches long, you can exhale now, for this is within the range of the average adult male, as most experts believe 5 ½ inches is average length.
When you do not have a ruler or measuring tape handy, you can get an idea of how you compare by measuring erection length to a dollar bill, which is just slightly over six inches long, or a soda can, which is typically just under five inches tall.
You may be surprised to learn that the length of a flaccid penis is not a great indication of an erect penis. Cold temperatures, for example, can cause significant shrinkage to the flaccid penis, for example. However, stretching it out gives a closer-to-accurate way to determine erection length.
The average vagina is around 3-5 inches deep when in an un-aroused state. During arousal, this changes, and the vagina can expand. Few women report concerns about a male partner’s smaller than average penis size, which should bring comfort to men slightly smaller than average.
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