7 Warning Signs Your Libido is About to Crash (And What to Do)

These warning signs may indicate your libido is about to crash.
Is your primal fire burning? A bright bonfire you want to run around naked, with your willy out doing helicopter spins till the morning?
You’ve got LIBIDO.
Not having a primal fire is cause for worry, as it could mean something is wrong.
Studies published in the “Journal of Sexual Medicine” believe so; linking physical health problems as the leading reason for low sexual functioning in men, whereas women’s link pointed more towards mental health.
Your Hard-On For Life
Having libido means you have self-esteem, energy, and elation for sex. Not having one means you are a cold, brooding cave creature with possible health complications like: vascular disease, diabetes, or depression. These complications could be a result of First World Problems, which means your lifestyle may need some fine fine-tuning.
A healthy libido is an indicator your systems are a-go, a big green-light for sexual activity. It’s the primal fire that keeps relationships fun and exciting, which in this day and age makes life much, much easier.
So we must guard our primal fires men. We must make pointy sticks and be on watch for fire-thieves. We must pay careful attention to the fire and feed it so that we continue having good health and relationships. We must do this to maintain a raging hard-on for life.
Warning Signs to Look Out For
If you experience these signs, your fire might be down to it’s last ember, or headed that way.
1. You start to crave carbs and sweets
Craving starchy and sugary foods has been found to be linked to Dopamine imbalance. However, the problem with eating processed sugars and carbs is they increase blood-sugar levels, which has been shown to reduce testosterone levels and temporarily increase Serotonin levels, both of which have negative impact libido.
Dopamine is the neurotransmitter commonly referred to as the pleasure chemical of the brain, which is responsible for driving our motivation for reward. When it is out of balance we can feel low motivation, helpless, and even lose interest in things that used to interest us -like sex.
2. You experience restlessness at night
Sleeping problems like restlessness or waking to thoughts or nightmares can be a sign of high Cortisol levels, which impacts sleep and reduces Testosterone levels. Other sleep-impacting conditions like Restless Leg Syndrome and Sleep Apnea have been shown to be destructive to libido. Restorative sleep is absolutely essential for maintaining optimal Testosterone and neurotransmitter levels.
3. You become irritable
Mood changes especially irritability can be a sign of high Serotonin levels. Serotonin is responsible for mood regulation, and sub-optimal levels diminish our ability to control them. Both high and low levels of Serotonin have been shown to negatively impact libido. Low levels tend to be associated with depression, unsatisfying orgasms, and poor health which all can diminish libido. High levels have been associated with sexual dysfunctions like E.D. and complete lack of interest in sex.
4. Your ambition takes over
It’s not uncommon for man to become consumed with work, shutting everything else out. When we become consumed with an ambition we can forget the pleasures of sex, and literally have to retrain our brains to see the reward and pleasure behind it. Being consumed with work is just one of the many examples of how we can train our brains to find enjoyment in an obsession, and nothing else.
5. You have difficulty waking up
Cortisol spikes to wake us up from sleep, followed later by testosterone which pumps us up for the day. These natural spikes in steroid hormones are an indicator of optimal neurotransmitter function. Having a hard time waking up, followed by grogginess is a sign our neurotransmitters are out of wack, which can mess everything up.
6. You have chronic pain
Chronic pain is a true libido killer. It elevates the stress hormone Cortisol which in turn reduces Testosterone levels. Pelvic pain can be especially bothersome for men as it can indicate a muscle imbalance in the pelvic floor. These muscles help us sustain erections, and when they are not working properly our erection quality suffers. Discomfort also releases the hormone Prolactin, which lowers Testosterone levels.
7. You have ejaculation issues
Changes in ejaculation can indicate a hormone imbalance, whether it be premature ejaculation or delayed. Prolactin is a luteotropic hormone that is released after orgasm, and believed to play apart of what’s called the Sexual Refractory Period, a period in which we basically recharge our sexual batteries. When ejaculation problems are experience, an imbalance of Prolactin can be the culprit. An imbalance in this hormone has been shown to lower libido.
The Low-Libido Fix
These 7 signals are just a small sample of indicators that exist to warn us of possible neurotransmitter and hormone imbalances, which can ultimately lead to a sputtering, low libido in men. Experiencing one of these signs may not be enough to squash a healthy one, but experiencing a few or more can create a chain-reaction that leads to the demise of sexual energy.
Dr Lamm in his book The Hardness Factor points out that men’s issues with libido are almost always lifestyle related and rarely about the relationship. He stresses the importance of a healthy lifestyle in maintaining sexual health. His suggested fixes are that of restorative sleep, stress management, antioxidant rich diet, Horny Goat Weed supplementation, and exercise. All of these make up a healthy lifestyle that supports the systems that create libido.
Protect The Fire
Having a libido doesn’t mean you are a sex-craved caveman that uncontrollably dry humps legs. No, it means you have sexual capacity that you can draw energy from and use to feed other fires in your life. It is a true fire-starter, and with the right direction you can use it to feed the biggest, brightest fires in whatever area of life you want to improve.
So guard it wisely.